ThemePrint NEWS
eIDMi Now Available FREE
The 23-issue run of eIDMi, the popular digital edition of sister magazine IDMi (Information & Document Management International) is now available online and free of charge.
IDMi Magazine Deputy Editor John Baker states, "For a period of time we ran a digital-only edition of the magazine in the intervening month between bi-monthly print copies. Over time this was diluted to be a digital facsimile of the print edition as it became more and more difficult to manage two editorial streams. eIDMi ran for 23 issues before the IDMi team moved focus to the print issue and the IDMi web site." TP
eIDMi: eIDMi Magazine

Want List
We now operate a 'Want List'. If there is something in particular you would like us to source, please email details to
Note we do not manage DC or Marvel titles.
There are several phases and 3 main projects ongoing at ThemePrint.
The phases comprise:
Search and assessment of content
Download and curation of content
Quality assessment, conversion of files
Publishing to the web
Search and Assessment of Content
This is where we go out into the world of publishing and look for digital content. Various academic and internet sources are used for this. Once found, the content is assessed for originality, suitability for republishing, in terms of copyright, out of print, or simply diverse.
Download and Curation of Content
This bit takes time and attention as some content can be downloaded automatically and other content needs manual intervention. Once downloaded the content is curated, meaning that it is split into specific categories and assessed for audience suitability, (e.g. U, X, XX, and XXX. The files are then stored ready for sale. These repositories are automatically backed up to 2 further disks to mitigate loss.
Quality Assessment and Conversion of Files
Some items and collections might appear complete but on close inspection may have pages, chapters, or whole sections missing. We try to fill the gaps, and if we cannot, we will flag the item as incomplete.
Quality is not just about integrity. A low resolution scan of a very old original is better than nothing, but sometimes falls below our strict quality standards so is deleted. Duplicates are assessed page-by-page to ensure the best quality copy is retained.
The files may come to us in JPG, PDF, CBR or CBZ formats. (The latter two are comic-book formats). All are collated, then converted into a single PDF 1.4 package ready for the distribution or publishing process.
Publishing to the Web
At this point the content to be published is fully assessed before uploading to the web. This is the final part in the republishing process.
Publishing to Print
Where possible, items can be reprinted. This is NOT a laser print, but a properly managed print process using the latest technology. Regretfully some items simply do not have a high enough resolution for this process.
3 Main Projects
Mentioned at the start of this column, there are 3 main projects ongoing:
Analogue 2 Digital
Where originals are scanned for inclusion. This forms the minority of content already held within ThemePrint.
Convert 2 PDF
Where .JPG, TIFF, PNG, CBR/CBZ, ZIP, RAR, TAR and other file formats are disassembled, uncompressed, ordered, edited, then reconstituted into Adobe PDF 1.4 format.
Classification of Titles
Broadly speaking there are 4 classes of content.
Universal (U)
Suitable for all.
Examples: Kids comics, superhero comics, middle and bottom shelf magazines, catalogues etc.
Mild erotica. Titillating but no fluff.
Examples: Middle to top shelf content such as Nuts, Reveille, Weekend, Sunday Sport, page 3 type content. Milder sex manuals and other mild content such as some of the adult comics are in here too.
Erotic but not pornographic. Boobs may be visible but no genitalia.
Examples: Early Playboy when fluff was not tolerated in magazine, early erotica such as Spick, Span, Esquire, and other 'gentlemen's magazines'.
Have a wild guess!
A wide variety of adult content dating back to Victorian times. Yes - even back then sex was popular and was actually recorded as quite diverse in nature.
ThemePrint Collection Metrics
Disk Space Used: Over 5Tb
Files: 4M+
Universal Rating - 50,000+
X, XX & XXX rating (18+ in UK) - 20,000+
3 Good Reasons to Subscribe to ThemePrint (Click any image to see it full size)

There are many more than 3 Good Reasons but 3 is enough to be going on with.
American Detective is typical of the type of magazines produced en masse for a hungry public. Sci-fi was popular as were superhero comics and many others, including a style known today as 'graphic novel'.
Macy's Catalogue must have seemed like access to a magical kingdom when the postman delivered it in the early 1900's. Many had never been to New York, let alone seen Macy's, so to have the store brought into your house so you could browse and order from home, would have been a novelty to say the least.
Close Up is an example of a now defunct magazine title from the 1970's. It was a peek behind the scenes revealing the work of puppet masters and special effects technicians. Raw in content, fascinating in the reading, it provides a valuable insight into the movie and TV industry of that time.
eIDMi: eIDMi Magazine