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IDMi:141 is ALREADY UNDERWAY (August/September and publishing August 1st)
Deadline for ALL content is Friday 19th July 2024

Please send all content for consideration to

DMi:140 June/July 2024: Digital Edition NOW PUBLISHED - See below image/link
Print Edition - Fulfilled 12th June 

IDMi Magazine 2024
Celebrating 55 Years in Print | 20 Years in Digital and Online

... in PRINT
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From our beginnings as a microfilm newsletter in the same year the Americans landed on the moon, the magazine has been through various mergers and title changes.

Now, using the latest printing and publishing techniques, the magazine is better than ever, and in 2024 we celebrate 55 years of 'Keeping You Informed'.

... in DIGITAL
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The advent of digital has changed the way the publishing industry works. We now bring you new and exciting innovations quite impossible in print..

Over time we will unleash the full power of the digital magazine platform which will contain the same editorial and advertising content as the print issue, as well as additional functionality. 

... and ONLINE
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There is so much online content available these days, it is sometimes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, the good from the bad. IDMi are already well represented in digital and print magazine additions, so we have pared down the ( content.

© 2009 onwards - intelligen Ltd. | Publisher and parent company of IDMi Magazine & ACPi Magazine | Gordon House | The Square | Tomintoul | AB37 9ET | SCOTLAND | 0044 (0)1807 580282

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