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Privacy Policy
Intelligen Limited - Privacy Policy Under GDPR
Note: This notice applies to all businesses operating under the name of intelligen Limited.
We are providing this document to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is relevant to our specific business requirements and practices, centred on privacy and data processing.
Disclaimer: This privacy notice does not constitute legal advice. The content is for general information purposes only. It is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. If necessary, seek appropriate legal counsel in relation to GDPR or your specific circumstances.
For definitive legal advice on providing privacy information under the GDPR, see the Information Commissioner’s Office guide on privacy notices.
Intelligen Limited and any named subsidiary take privacy very seriously. As part of our business is internet-related, and as we publish and distribute over the internet and via worldwide postal services, we protect both the identity and the details of any subscribers to our publications or services – paid, controlled circulation, or complementary. This protection is enforced by physical access, personal and due diligence by employees, network, firewall, and encryption technology, as well as the basic fact – we do not sell or circulate the details of our contacts.
The information contained within our privacy policy document relates to software, services, purchases, subscriptions, mailing lists, contact lists and databases containing personal and private details.
Please read the policy carefully and contact us with any questions or concerns about your privacy practices.
Who Are We?
Intelligen Limited and its subsidiary trading names, relate to the intelligen business, which in its current form, was incorporated in 2010 under the company legislation of Scottish Law. Previous to the company formation, data may also have been gathered under the following business names, which have all been incorporated into intelligen Limited:
Microfilm Newsletter
Micrographics Newsletter
Micrographics and Hybrid Systems Newsletter
The Micrographics Market Place
The Green Sheet
IDMi Magazine
John W Baker T/A intelligen Computer Solutions International
intelligen Computer Solutions International (and any variations of the company name)
The contact details of our Data Controller who is also our Data Protection Officer are:
John W Baker
intelligen Limited
Gordon House
The Square
AB37 9ET
United Kingdom
Direct Line – 0044 1807 580282
What information do we collect?
Historically, intelligen and its predecessor and/or associate companies, has practised data collection as far back as 1969.
As neither the internet or GDPR were around at that time, and as most of the data is likely out of date, we have taken the decision to declare that contacts are deemed to have accepted we will hold and process data in order to keep them supplied with copies of magazines.
We only hold the following core contact data:
First Name
Job Title (if applicable)
Company (if applicable)
Post Code/Zip
Email address (if applicable)
We collect this data from:
Our web site using opt-in forms
Our newsletter using links to our opt-in/out forms
Authorised third-party lists (such as event organisers, with whom we might partner with and who will in turn, have their own Privacy Policy in relation to GDPR)
We may in the future, hold User Name and Password information, but that will only be relevant for access to our own web sites and/or services
Data collected is limited to the list of data fields above
We do not hold or process sensitive personal data or financial information, other than in relation to sales or purchase transactions for the business
Data is restricted to Sales Invoices with Company and minimal Contact Information, and Purchase Invoices and Receipts in relation to items purchased for intelligen Limited and its subsidiaries.
How do we use personal information?
The service and business-related purposes for which we will process data is:
Business information for sales invoices
Business information for purchase invoices
Personal data in the limited manner previously described, and then, only to allow correct formation of mailing addresses for sending out our magazine(s) to subscribers and other controlled circulation parties
What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?
Within GDPR there are six possible legal grounds. We process personal data as a legal obligation. We offer opt-in and opt-out opportunities.
When do we share personal data?
We treat personal data with care and confidentially. We NEVER share or sell data gathered.
Where do we store and process personal data?
We do not hold any data or backups of data away from our premises. Everything is held internal to our building.
How do we secure personal data?
Our approach to data security and the technologies and procedures used to protect personal information is based on IT best-practice.
We restrict physical access to all computer equipment, and limit that access to our own, or authorised and insured third-party personnel.
All servers and PCs are protected by user ID and password, and have separate admin user ID and password credentials.
Our internal servers and network are protected by a firewall.
All computer anti-virus software is updated frequently with the latest threat protection.
Our network is encrypted.
All data is held within the confines of the United Kingdom, and will remain so regardless of the UK’s status as an EU member state – or not, as the case may be.
Our web servers are external to the business as a hosted service on which we do not hold any data other than that of our own, and then in order to present web pages to users.
These measures are in place to:
protect data against accidental loss
prevent unauthorised access, use, destruction or disclosure
ensure business continuity and aid disaster recovery
restrict access to personal information
conduct privacy impact assessments in accordance with the law and your business policies
train staff and contractors on our data security protocols
manage third party risks, through the use of SLA’s, due diligence on the part of intelligen
We also practice Continuous Improvement and Step Change management.
How long do we keep your personal data for?
The length of time we will keep your information will vary with circumstances. Anyone who opts-out or requests to be removed from our lists, will normally have their data removed from master files within 2 working days of the request. That deletion will usually filter through to all backups within 24 hours of the deletion being made.
As all data is held digitally, there is no other disposal disclosure required. We only need to delete from the master file(s).
Your rights in relation to personal data
Under the GDPR, you have the right to ask us to divulge what personal data we hold.
We undertake to:
On request, provide a digital copy of all digital personal information held
Make corrections and deletions in a timely manner
Act immediately on your withdrawal of consent (if processing data on condition of consent)
Will not restrict or object to disclosure or non-disclosure within Scottish Law
You may lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at any time
An email, or letter to us is usually all that is required for us to remove your data. We will conform when that has taken place. We do reserve the right to ask for proof of identity if we are in any way unsure of the identity of the requester.
Use of automated decision-making and profiling
We do not use profiling, artificial intelligence interrogation of data, or any other automated or semi-automated decision-making practices, or software.
How to contact us?
You can get in touch with us using the details in the first section, if you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, or your personal information, or if you wish to file a complaint. Unlike many UK companies who break the law by not having their company contact details on every page - we do that and are happy to converse with you as it is in everyones interests for us to do so.
Use of cookies and other technologies
We do not use cookies or any other tracking method to ascertain where you have come to us from, or where you go to afterwards. Any information of this nature is limited to that held by Wix.com, and/or our server host company IONOS/1&1.co.uk, to whom all log-related enquiries must be made.
We do not run our own web servers and therefore have no root access to log file information.
Linking to other websites / third party content
Acceptance of the use of our web site pages comes with the caveat that as we offer news and journalistic/editorial information, we do not censor, and we do not, and cannot, own or be held responsible for all of the URLs we display links to.
We do take due diligence steps to ensure there are no links to illegal or offensive sites, but when you click on a URL to a site not owned by us – you do so on the understanding it is at your own risk.
This Notice Compiled By:
John W Baker, Data Protection Officer (DPO), intelligen Limited
Originated On:
25th May 2018
Last Updated On:
7th July 2020
DPO Contact Details
Email: johnbaker@intelligen.co.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)1807 580282 or 580453 (Both with 24hour Answering)
Snail Mail:
intelligen Limited
Gordon House
The Square
AB37 9ET
United Kingdom