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GDPR Privacy Statement

We take your privacy seriously at IDMi.

We are aware of the implications, rules, and benefits of GDPR.


Information We Hold
In 2019 IDMi celebrated 50 YEARS of 'Keeping You Informed' through various magazine titles following on from one another over the years, and sometimes, operating in parallel.


25th May 2018 saw the enforcement of the new GDPR act which supersedes the Data Protection Act.


Because of our historical legacy, we started gathering contact information in 1969. As the internet wasn't invented when the original issues of our forerunner title The Micrographics Newsletter were sent out in 1969, and as neither the UK's Data Protection Act, or the new GDPR were even a twinkle in the legislators eyes at that time, we only ever provided magazines or other collateral to those requesting it. An Opt In. This was not an electronic Opt In, but a manual written or telephone request.

Today, we only use electronic Opt In, and even then we only ever store contact name, address, and email address.




Our legacy data of contacts does go back to 1969, and is largely inactive legacy information and out of date.

We have deleted that historical data.


Communicating Privacy Information
IDMi undertake to do the following, based on your personal information in the limited form we hold it:

  • NEVER pass out your information to any third party

  • NEVER sell your information as part of any mailing list

  • CEASE sending ad-hoc copies of the magazine on a rotational basis

  • CONTINUE to send regular readers their print copy of the magazine as you have opted in by requesting a copy

  • BEGIN a new database with no more than a name, address, position, company, and email address


Individuals Rights
You can Opt Out at any time and we will IMMEDIATELY delete your details, which will filter through our backup system within 48 hours of the update.

Subject Access Requests
Confirmation of the name, address, and email address is freely available on request, and will be provided in plain text within an email within 2 business days hours of a request being issued.


Lawful Basis for Processing Personal Data
We require your name, address, and email address, in order to provide you with IDMi information.


We seek your consent to use the information via Opt In forms or data collection by Media Partners at trade and other events. Our Opt In forms have been adapted to comply with GDPR.


Data Breaches
All of our information is held on a closed, private, secure network, protected by a firewall and anti-virus software which is updated daily. None of our data in relation to IDMi is available publicly.


Data Protection Officer
For IDMi and the parent company intelligen Limited, John W Baker, Deputy Editor of IDMi and Managing Director of intelligen Limited, is the designated DPO. (Data Protection Officer)


Although IDMi and intelligen Limited operate on a worldwide basis, the UK is the only company base, and as a result, we do not perform cross-border processing, which means we come under the UK legislative arm of GDPR.

DPO Contact Details

Telephone: +44 (0)1807 580453 or 580282 (Both 24hour Answering)

© 2009 onwards - intelligen Ltd. | Publisher and parent company of IDMi Magazine & ACPi Magazine | Gordon House | The Square | Tomintoul | AB37 9ET | SCOTLAND | 0044 (0)1807 580282

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