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IDMi:Xtra Supplements

Not only providing a deeper insight into the subjects covered in IDMi, but also providing a 2 year longevity of ads for companies relevant to the supplements

Here's How

Periodically, IDMi will gather together a series of articles and publish them as one discrete volume. This has the following advantages:

  • No 2-month wait between print or digital editions

  • Xtra supplement is current for 2 years (then revised)

  • Advertising is economical as this is digital-only

  • Ads can be changed during the 2-year period

  • Special functionality within the digital edition includes:

    • Ability to overlay and allow the reader to play advertisers videos from YouTube/Vimeo​

    • URL link on defined areas

    • Additional complexity for a small cost (e.g. additional links or video)

Example: IDMi:Xtra-001 is already published.

You can view it HERE.

Planned Xtra's

During 2020 and 2021 the following IDMi:Xtra Supplements are planned:

  • Closing the Gap
    Already published
    The use of microfilm closes the gap in the document life cycle.


  • World of Scanning
    A variety of scanning techniques and advice.


  • Lifting the Lid
    An intriguing 'how to' series on system analysis and design.

  • Document Control
    What is it, why is it important, how to implement, control, and manage it.


  • Document Migration
    Another 'how to' guide offering a systematic approach and pitfalls to watch out for.


  • Utopia 1.0
    A mix of hypothetical and real-life scenarios culminating in the perfect document management system.

    .... and more.

© 2009 onwards - intelligen Ltd. | Publisher and parent company of IDMi Magazine & ACPi Magazine | Gordon House | The Square | Tomintoul | AB37 9ET | SCOTLAND | 0044 (0)1807 580282

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