eIDMi Issues

“Keeping You Informed" - SINCE 1969
IDMi Magazine 2024
Celebrating 55 Years in Print & 20 Years in Digital and Online
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IDMi:Xtra Supplements
Not only providing a deeper insight into the subjects covered in IDMi, but also providing a 2 year longevity of ads for companies relevant to the supplements
Here's How
Periodically, IDMi will gather together a series of articles and publish them as one discrete volume. This has the following advantages:
No 2-month wait between print or digital editions
Xtra supplement is current for 2 years (then revised)
Advertising is economical as this is digital-only
Ads can be changed during the 2-year period
Special functionality within the digital edition includes:
Ability to overlay and allow the reader to play advertisers videos from YouTube/Vimeo
URL link on defined areas
Additional complexity for a small cost (e.g. additional links or video)
Example: IDMi:Xtra-001 is already published.
You can view it HERE.
Planned Xtra's
During 2020 and 2021 the following IDMi:Xtra Supplements are planned:
Closing the Gap
Already published
The use of microfilm closes the gap in the document life cycle.
World of Scanning
A variety of scanning techniques and advice.
Lifting the Lid
An intriguing 'how to' series on system analysis and design.
Document Control
What is it, why is it important, how to implement, control, and manage it.
Document Migration
Another 'how to' guide offering a systematic approach and pitfalls to watch out for.
Utopia 1.0
A mix of hypothetical and real-life scenarios culminating in the perfect document management system.
.... and more.